Fondation L’Oréal,

Fondation L’Oréal

"The L'Oréal-Unesco for Women in Science Awards"

Relations médias - Influence / International


As an international PR agency, our primary objective was to establish the L'Oréal Foundation as the global benchmark for commitment to gender parity in science. The challenge: how to enhance the value, both in France and internationally, of the "For Women In Science" program conducted in collaboration with UNESCO, by using press relations and influence as the main levers?

Concept & Strategy

Instead of limiting ourselves to a mere information campaign, we opted for an opinion campaign approach. This multi-year strategy focused on a decidedly committed discourse, highlighting the award and training programs offered by the L'Oréal Foundation and UNESCO to a dedicated community of French and international journalists and influencers.


+20Md impressions (between 2014 and 2022)

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